This secret is how to get it all done⬇️ The Rule of 168 simply shows us how many hours we have during the week and how we can use it effectively while STILL having leisure time. 1️⃣ Understanding the 168 Hours. We’ve all got the same 168 hours every week. It’s a level playing field there. Knowing how you spend them? That’s key. 2️⃣ Snooze Time For a well rested brain, you’re likely clocking in 56 hours of sleep weekly (8 hours a night). Important, but that’s a chunk of time eh? 3️⃣ The Daily Grind Work takes up a big slice – about 40 hours a week for the average job. It’s a must-do, but it’s also a time eater. 4️⃣ Food time we need it, we love it. About 2 hours daily for meals equals 14 hours a week. 5️⃣ Life’s Little Rituals Commutes, showers, all that stuff – let’s call it 10 hours a week. It adds up, doesn’t it? 6️⃣ The Big Reveal Do the math and that’s 120 hours accounted for. But wait – you’ve still got 48 hours unclaimed each week! 7️⃣ The realization That’s your ‘Aha!’ moment. Even after all the basics, there’s a lot of time left. It’s about seeing it and using it wisely. 8️⃣ Making it Count So next time you say, “I don’t have time,” think again. Those extra hours? They’re yours for the taking. Use them to chase those goals, learn something new, or just chill. It’s your time – own it! Follow @Nathanielbaryo for more content like this🧠 - - - - - #selfimprovement #personalgrowth #growthmindset #successmindset #successquotes #successhabits #successful #habits #richmindset #millionaire #motivation #wealthy #teenager #youth #healingtheyouth #relatable #mindset #goals #realtalk #disipline #mentalhealth #mens#mentalhealth #gym #fitness

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Here are 3 steps I took to heal ↓ First, what is the mother wound? The mother wound is inherited pain, trauma, and dysfunctional coping mechanisms that are passed down from our mother. Generally, daughters will bear these burdens more often. Common signs of a mother wound are: low self-esteem / self-worth, co-dependency or hyper-independence, fear of rejection and abandonment, self-sabotaging behaviours such as substance abuse, self-harming, boundary issues, or difficulties in expressing emotions. 🦋 Here are 3 steps I took to heal these aspects of myself: 🦋 1️⃣ Release + Accept When I realized that my mother would never be the mom I want her to be, I released all expectations and began to simply accept her for the person that she is. Our mothers were once young girls with big dreams who were learning, growing, and maybe not healing. ❤️‍🩹 We only know the woman we see today. But what made her this way? We’ll never know our mother’s upbringing, stories, or trauma. The best we can do is offer grace and forgiveness for our mother’s shortcomings. This alone will bring you so much peace. 🫶🏽 2️⃣ Reparent yourself The best thing I did for myself during my toughest times was start talking to myself like I was my own parent. Your inner parent can be anything you need. Your inner parent can be kind, loving, and gentle. You can find safety with your inner parent. 3️⃣ Treat my mother like a Queen How can we honor, respect, and nurture women in this world without first doing that for the woman who brought us into the world.? Regardless of the pain the relationship with my mom had brought me, she is my portal - and nothing will top that. My mentality on this is: maybe my mom never received the love she deserved. So, if I have more than enough love to give I will surely give it all to her. I’ll treat my mom like the Queen I pray my future children will treat me as. • • • 🐲❤️‍🔥🫶🏽

Avatar of Jonathan Reinink flysimranfly

Looping reel step-by-step👇🏼 💾 First, SAVE this reel to use the audio later! To create a looping video, the video itself matters just as much as the audio.

So here's what you gonna do:

1. Record or download a video that's suitable to create a seamless transition.

2. Use an audio that is also seamless when looping (like this one)

You don't want a noticeable break in either, the video nor the audio. 🌟 Do you want to learn the EXACT strategy I used to grow from 0-100K followers in only 21 days? 💬 Comment ‘MAGIC’ and I’ll send you the link to purchase my Masterclass! 🎉 🤍 Save & follow for more! #instagramhack #instagramhacks #socialmediahack #socialmediahacks #socialmediatip #socialmediatips #instagramtip #instagramtips #instagramgrowthhack #instagramgrowth #socialmediagrowth #instagramhacksforgrowth #instagramstrategy #socialmediastrategy #socialmediamarketingstrategy #socialmediamarketingtips #instagramtipsandtricks #socialmediatipsandtricks #instagramtipsforbusiness #instagramtipsdaily #instagramtips101 #instagramtipsfornewbies #instagramtipsforsuccess #instagramtipsandhacks #socialmediahelp #socialmediasuccess #socialmedia101 #smallbusinessowner #socialmediacontent #socialmediamarketing

Instagram organic growth strategy strategies content marketing coach how to grow on Instagram hacks viral online social media mentor expert female entrepreneurs planning tools effective hashtag research engagement rate improvement loyal follower base growth masterclass

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Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung ⤵️ Das Grundkonzept:

Alles beruht auf einem Onlinemarketing-Geheimnis, das die größten Marketer lieber für sich behalten. ;) Nämlich: 

➡️Zwischen 24.12 und 06.01 sind nicht nur ur viele Feiertage, sondern auch ur viele Leute zuhause. Einsam und gelangweilt. Weshalb dieser Zeitraum zu den umsatzstärksten des Jahres für Onlinekurs-Anbieter zählt - vergleichbar wie mit BlackFriday. Und ja, ich kenn einige Marketer die in diesem Zeitraum bis zu einem Drittel ihres Jahresumsatzes machen. (Vorallem der 24te + 31te sind sehr umsatzstark)

Nicht gewusst? Nicht traurig sein. Now I am here. Got you gurl. 🫂

✚ Folg mir gern als Dankeschön, haha. 
🚨Zur Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung, so nutzt du diese Zeit sinnvoll: 

1️⃣ Für 100 Sales brauchst du lediglich 1.000 warme Leads (Newsletterkontakte) oder Storyviews. Eine ⌀ Salesconversion von 10% ist in dieser Zeit sogar leichter zu erreichen. 2️⃣ Preiserhöhung 2024 geplant? Oder schon mal Rabatte für deine Onlinekurse angeboten? Entscheide dich für eine Strategie, both will work! 3️⃣ Kommuniziere am 24.12 deine Rabattaktion und limitiere sie bis 31.12 um Mitternacht. Verlängere sie danach für NichtkäuferInnen bis 07.01. 4️⃣ Sende in diesem Zeitraum Salesmail ein mit Trägern wie Testimonials, FAQs, Inhaltsübersichten, Einblicke, etc. und weise mehrmals auf die Deadline hin. 5️⃣ Schreib Lima in der zweiten Januarwoche wie rich du bist hahah. #erfolgreichverkaufen #onlinekurserstellen #passiveseinkommenaufbauen #onlinekurs #onlinebusinessstarten

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since so many of you joined my blog recently, i feel like we need to get to know each other a bit better!! so, storytime of the day: my ride-or-die since day 1 in canada, Anastasia! (: yes, we became close after both of us moved we’ve been VERY lucky not to experience the loneliness of immigration. actually, i lied to you when said “since day 1” because when i first invited her to hang out right after we first met on orientation day back in college, she made up some silly excuse about a lost key on the spot to get out of it haha. since i tend to trust people (especially when i was 17 haha), instead of overthinking, i immediately offered my help in finding a key and suggested three other options for dates haha. when we *finally* met up, i think literally after just 5 minutes of talking we both knew: it was a match. and long story short: we spent the next 4.5 years inseparably, and we’ve gone through SO many eras and transformations together! (i mean, you can imagine how many transformations one can have moving out to another continent completely alone at 17 years old, with so much going on inside and in outside worlds. one of my fave friendship stories happened when i decided to ditch the city life for a small town of 7k (yep, you read that right; but that’s a story for another day). just 2 days before my move, when i was almost done packing, out of nowhere, anastasia came up to me and said: “you know what… I’m moving with you.” so if you ask me how i feel about this friendship, i would say that our friendship survived sharing a one bedroom apartment in a distant, small town with 2 grocery stores, 1 coffee shop and occasional bear sightings. humans are undeniably the most precious treasures one can own. let this be the moral of our story: the true wealth lies in the profound connections we forge with each other. ♥️

Avatar of Jonathan Reinink li.gorbunova

If your child hits It does NOT mean your child is a BAD CHILD It does NOT mean you are BAD PARENT It means you need to do these 10 things 1. Build your child’s vocabulary Not being able to communicate what they need leads to frustration which comes out in hitting 2. Listen carefully whenever they say something and try to understand what they are saying. If you start listening only when they hit, they will hit instead of speaking 3. Follow them around if they are prone to hitting other children and show them how they can cooperate and collaborate in real time so that they don't have to hit to problem solve in social situations 4. Reduce screen time to reduce anxiety and agitation 5. Increase outdoor play time to keep them calm 6. Reduce exposure to violence. Don't fight in front of them. Don't allow them to watch shows where the characters fight and hit. And of course NEVER hit them 7. Do not laugh when someone falls and hurts themselves either in a story, a TV show or in real life. So that they don't learn that others pain is funny. 8. Never laugh at your child when they are crying. That teaches your child to enjoy others pain instead of teaching them empathy. 9. When your child has hit someone. Don't shout at them or hit them. Remove them from the scene immediately and take them to a place where they can calm down. Don't shame them. Instead show them what they can now do to repair the damage. 10. Coach your child to not use hitting as a problem solving tool by helping them explore different ways to solve problems. Type GOOD if you believe that you have a GOOD CHILD who just needs to learn coping skills. Does your child hit? Share this so that those who call your child BAD can see it and understand Does another child hit your child often? Share this so that the parents of the child who hits your child can see this And follow these 10 steps. Follow me for more

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