I know my parents don't push me towards security because they don't love me. I know they love me, they have always pushed me towards security because they've been through war, famine and poverty. The idea of doing something that you love, is incredibly foreign to my parents. They didn't get to do what they loved, they had to do what they could to stay alive. It's taken so many conversations with my parents to help them truly understand that we no longer live in such a dangerous place. After years of connecting, talking and listening - I was able to open my mum and dad's way of thinking. About 4 years ago my dad comes up to me and said something that truly moved me... He said.. "Son, thanks for not giving up on your dreams and thanks for not giving up on us. Thank you for being patient and helping your mother and I understand this new world." The relationship we have with our parents is one of the most special relationships. Don't give up on them, just because they don't immediately support you in your dreams - take the time to talk with them, explain to them, listen to them and be patient with them. Throwback to my podcast with @kerwinrae 🫶
Whether these numbers are accurate or not... in my experience as a communication skills and public speaking teacher, this is very true. I find that my students retain more information when they learn information not just by listening but also by getting physically involved in the learning process, discuss and apply their knowledge with their peers. I hope this diagram helps you become more aware of your own learning journey! If you want to check out the full podcast, go to ➡️ EP#41 - 33 Laws of Business & Life by Steven Bartlett
This is called Placater. Add this to your gesture vocabulary 😎 If you don't know what to do with your hands especially when greeting people or opening a presentation, use this hand gesture. It's open and inviting and can help you establish rapport with those around you easier.
"The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents." - Carl Jung I'm going to teach my son how to live and not have to carry the burden of my sacrifices from not living.
Most people won't be able to tell 5 stories about themselves if asked on the spot... It's not that you don't have interesting stories, you just don't take the time to note them down! At the end of each day, ask yourself, what "emotionally moved" me today? Write that down. These are the moments you want to share with people when telling stories. Start documenting your stories and that's how you become a better storyteller! PS if you're new to my page, check out my free 3 part communication series in my bio link 👀
Your voice is just a series of behaviours. That's literally it. It's behaviours with how you move your mouth which affect how sound is produced. And like any behaviour, it can be changed! The biggest illusion many people fall for is the saying "This is just how I sound". The truth is... you can choose how you sound at any given moment if you are willing to learn new behaviours. By understanding this concept, it will make it easier for you to begin your journey in learning communication skills. If you're keen, then check out my FREE 3 part series on communication skills (link in bio/comments) to get started