Your voice is just a series of behaviours. That's literally it. It's behaviours with how you move your mouth which affect how sound is produced. And like any behaviour, it can be changed!

The biggest illusion many people fall for is the saying "This is just how I sound". The truth is... you can choose how you sound at any given moment if you are willing to learn new behaviours.

By understanding this concept, it will make it easier for you to begin your journey in learning communication skills.

If you're keen, then check out my FREE 3 part series on communication skills (link in bio/comments) to get started
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2024-03-19 23:50:41

what you speak is actually just a set of behaviors it's how you move your mouth if you change the way you move your mouth you sound different so when people ask me the question can i change how i sound
absolutely you just need to change the set of behaviors