Most people won't be able to tell 5 stories about themselves if asked on the spot...

It's not that you don't have interesting stories, you just don't take the time to note them down!

At the end of each day, ask yourself, what "emotionally moved" me today?

Write that down.

These are the moments you want to share with people when telling stories.

Start documenting your stories and that's how you become a better storyteller!

PS if you're new to my page, check out my free 3 part communication series in my bio link 👀
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2024-04-09 10:23:34

what's the key to be in a good story until perfect question if i asked all of you right now tell me a story
your panic
he thinks i don't have any
but the true answer is that you're not that you don't have any or that you don't have them you have so many in your life
it's because you don't document them
to be a great storyteller you must first become great collectors of stories so i'll tell you what you do start a new note in your iphone or your android though i love iphones they're much more superior start a new note and just write story bank and the next time in your life something
that emotionally moves you
an interaction with a colleague a story that i shared with you today if emotionally moved you
capture it what did the person say what happened who what where when capture the story and before you know it if you captured a story a day by the end of this year you have three hundred and sixty five stories you can use