🤕Sit-ups are destroying your back whether you know it or not. I’ve made many in depth YouTube videos on why this is, but please take my word🤦🏻‍♂️ I get patients all the time dealing with back pain and more times than not they’re doing this move.

💪🏼Try this more effective core movement for a way more functional core exercise that will protect your back and help you •

🙋🏻‍♂️Questions? Leave them in the comments and I will help!

#getbetternotolder #corestrength #corestability #coretraining #coreexercise #coreexercises #sixpack #abs #physicaltherapy #sportsperformance #gymtok #gymmotivation #gymtips #gymadvice #gyminfluencer #protectyourback #hiittraining #hiitworkout #backpain #backpainrelief #coremovement #lowbackpain #bodyweightworkout #obliques #coretraining #coreexercises #weightlifting #coreworkout #situps #planks #abexercises #abworkout
Avatar of heydrrob


2024-03-19 09:20:09

no no no no no no no stop stop stop doing setups people there are garbage move they're gonna hurt the discs in your back they're not going to roast your belly fat and they're really not even good for your abs let me show you some way better if you truly want to work your core you need to engage your poor with intra-abdominal pressure so suck that belly in now push my hand to the ceiling there now you've got good stability in your core let's take a dumbbell push it up in a way i'll go back about forty five degrees right there until you feel the abs engaged keep intra-abdominal pressure now one leg now the other now tap and return tap and return you can see the core working like crazy the dumbbells trying to drag or her leg is trying to drag or she's working or core she's not hurting her back and most importantly getting better not older