If you want 10 Questions to Ask When You Receive a Job Offer to Get More Money get an Interviewology Profile www.TheInterviewology.com My number one negotiating tip, NEVER ACCEPT A JOB OFFER ON THE SPOT! Always ask, “Is this negotiatiable?” From there know what to ask for. If you hate to negotiate job offers watch my negotiation tips playlist on TikTok #howtonegotiatesalary #joboffernegotiations #salary #careers #finance #howtomakemoremoney2023 #salarynegotiation #hrtips
They ask because they want to base your future salary on your current salary. They should tell you what the position is paying. www.TheInterviewology.com #joboffernegotiations #salarynegotiation #howtonegotiatesalary #careeradvice #howtonegotiatejoboffer #howtointerview #corporatejobs