They ask because they want to base your future salary on your current salary. They should tell you what the position is paying. #joboffernegotiations #salarynegotiation #howtonegotiatesalary #careeradvice #howtonegotiatejoboffer #howtointerview #corporatejobs
Avatar of annapapalia


2024-04-14 17:26:38

when the interviewer asks you what are your salary expectations do not give them a number
if you are currently making fifty for example and you're hoping for sixty grand whatever you do don't say well i'm currently making fifty and i'm hoping for sixty grand
because they may be paying sixty to ninety and you just shot yourself in the foot by telling them that you would take the lowest end of the range instead you say when they say to you what are your salary expectations you say
what is the range of the position or what is the position paying
they will most likely give you a range or maybe even they push back on you and say well we really need to know what you need to make in order to
put you onto the next round and if that's the case you say something like
well i need to know the range before we move forward or i'm sure your range will be something i'd be immutable to