Did you know that the way you answer interview questions is based on your Interview Style. www.TheInterviewology.com You’ve heard of Love Languages and Strengths Finder and even Myers Briggs but have you ever heard of Interview Styles? If you prioritize being liked, you’re a Charmer. If you prioritize being respected, you’re a Challenger. If you prioritize getting it right, you’re an Examiner. If you prioritize adapting and fitting in, you’re a Harmonizer. Take the scientifically valid, interview style assessment to discover your interview style and get an Interviewology Profile, a 40-page customized workbook that outlines what you’re doing right and wrong in job interviews. What’s your Interview Style? #interviewology #interviewstyles #howtointerview #interviewprep #career #howtoanswerinterviewquestions #howtobeconfident #careertips #personalitytest #personalitytype
If You Do These 3 Things in a Job Interview You will NOT Make a Confident Impression www.TheInterviewology.com 3-When you answer an interview question you do not need to ask them if that was the answer they were looking for. Occasionally you can check in but not after EVERY question. 2-If you don’t ask questions you don’t look easygoing you look unprepared and not confident. Great candidates ask questions in interviews. 1-If you give really really short answers because you’re worried about saying too much it will backfire. You need to learn how to open up, tell a story and put yourself out there. #howtointerview #interviewpreparation #careercoachforwomen #howtoanswerinterviewquestions #howtobeconfident #careertips
They ask because they want to base your future salary on your current salary. They should tell you what the position is paying. www.TheInterviewology.com #joboffernegotiations #salarynegotiation #howtonegotiatesalary #careeradvice #howtonegotiatejoboffer #howtointerview #corporatejobs
They won’t know if you don’t tell them. If you tell them they will make assumptions about you and your work ethic. #jobinterviewtips #interviewpreptok #howtointerview #interviewtipsandtricks #careercoachforwomen #careeradviceontiktok
How do you interview? Are you a Charmer, Challenger, Examiner or Harmonizer in job interviews? www.TheInterviewology.com These guys haven’t taken the interview style assessment (but you can and get a 40-page customized interview prep workbook that outlines everything you’re doing right and wrong in interviews) here’s my best guess bc I see them interview all the time @Jimmy Kimmel Live @Jimmy Fallon @colbertlateshow @Late Night with Seth Meyers #greenscreen #interviewology #interviewstyles #howtointerview #careertok #corporatejobs #career #strikeforcefive #lateshowwithstephencolbert #latenightwithjimmyfallon #latenightwithsethmeyer #latenightwithjimmykimmel