If You Do These 3 Things in a Job Interview You will NOT Make a Confident Impression


3-When you answer an interview question you do not need to ask them if that was the answer they were looking for. Occasionally you can check in but not after EVERY question.

2-If you don’t ask questions you don’t look easygoing you look unprepared and not confident. Great candidates ask questions in interviews.

1-If you give really really short answers because you’re worried about saying too much it will backfire. You need to learn how to open up, tell a story and put yourself out there.

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Avatar of annapapalia


2024-04-18 05:40:05

you are not confident in job interviews if you do these three thing
number three if you ask follow-up questions after every single answer was that the answer you were looking for is that what you were looking for does that answer your question you'll look in secure and crazy number two if your strategy is to have really short interview answers because you're just terrified of saying the wrong thing so you say very very little while this strategy will actually backfire on you because imagine interviewing you it probably feels like pulling teeth i've interviewed candidates before where they give these ten or fifteen second answers and i'm just thinking
is at it
is there more and i have to do all this work and asking a bunch of follow-up questions don't make someone's job harder because your scared to open up it is your job in the interview to practice opening up one
if you don't ask any questions during the interview where at the end of the interview when they said you have any questions for us and your whole strategy is just to be seen as easy going and and you don't want to rock the boat
you're not going to be seen as easygoing you're going to be seen as not confident and not prepared for more tips on how to interview better get an interview ology profile follow me and good luck in your upcoming interview