Did you know that the way you answer interview questions is based on your Interview Style.


You’ve heard of Love Languages and Strengths Finder and even Myers Briggs but have you ever heard of Interview Styles?

If you prioritize being liked, you’re a Charmer.
If you prioritize being respected, you’re a Challenger.
If you prioritize getting it right, you’re an Examiner.
If you prioritize adapting and fitting in, you’re a Harmonizer.

Take the scientifically valid, interview style assessment to discover your interview style and get an Interviewology Profile, a 40-page customized workbook that outlines what you’re doing right and wrong in job interviews.

What’s your Interview Style?

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Avatar of annapapalia


2024-04-28 08:30:54

when you're asked in a job interview
why should we hire you did you know that your interview answer is going to be different depending on your interview style
and did you know that everyone interviews in one of four distinct ways you interview as either a charmer who prioritizes being liked
a challenger who prioritizes being respected and heard
an examiner who prioritizes getting it right or a harmonizer who prioritizes adapting
her tips on how to interview better get an interview ology profile which is a customized forty page workbook that walks you through everything that you are doing right and wrong and interviews follow me and good luck in your upcoming job search