If you want 10 Questions to Ask When You Receive a Job Offer to Get More Money get an Interviewology Profile www.TheInterviewology.com

My number one negotiating tip, NEVER ACCEPT A JOB OFFER ON THE SPOT! Always ask, “Is this negotiatiable?” From there know what to ask for.

If you hate to negotiate job offers watch my negotiation tips playlist on TikTok

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2024-04-17 10:12:28

you receive a job offer never ever accept it on the spot
instead say thank you so much for the offer is this negotiable this starts the negotiation without having to hem and haw be direct and did you know that there are lots of things that you can negotiate that's not just money you can negotiate more petco a better title tuition reimbursement there's all kinds of things that you can negotiate that are all listed in your interview ology profile we have ten questions to ask when you get an offer
don't accept those offers on the spot because companies never lead with their best offer and if you don't negotiate and if you don't ask you won't get the best offer
for all the tips get an interview ology profile follow me and good luck in your upcoming job search