1: جیمز میدونه یکی از بهترین سلاح‌ها برای نشان دادن اعتمادبنفس و تسلط رو موقعیت برقرار کردن ارتباط چشمی مستقیم هستش این نشون میده شما به خودتون و حرفاتون مطمئن هستید . 2: همونطور که توی ریلز دیدید سورین به نحوه صحبت کردن کاملا آگاهه خیلی آهسته صحبت میکنه و نشون میده اونم به اندازه جیمز میتونه با اعتمادبنفس باشه هرگز موقعه صحبت کردن عجله نکنید اینطوری کلام شما مطمئن تر احساس میشه . 3: حالت چشم چروک دو نشونه داره نشونه اول چیزی شما رو آزار میده نشونه دوم وقتی طرف مقابل چیز بی معنی میگه میتونید با این حالت چهره احساسی که نسبت به گفته‌های دارید رو برسونید ولی توی این قسمت محافظانی که پشت جیمز هستن براش آزاردهند هستن . 4: وقتی میخواید ارتباط چشمی رو قطع کنید هرگز رو به پایین نباشه چون نشون میده بی اعتمادبنفس و مطیع هستید همونطوری که دیدید سورین ارتباط چشمی رو خیلی مطمئن و رو به بالا به اطرافش انجام میده . #کاریزماتیک #کاریزما #جیمزباند #جذابیت #فنبیان #زبان_بدن #قدرت #اعتماد_به_نفس

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How you can too!!⬇️ When I was saw some busy dads making money with an online biz, I said no way. Probably a scam. No time. Can’t afford it. But deep down… I was just scared. Despite those fears, I just couldn’t stop thinking about it! I was desprate for that lifestyle and something in my gut kept saying, “this was going to change everything” So I figured out a way to make it happen by opening a credit card behind my wife’s back (not recommended but you get the point 😅) And you know what, I was right. Although it wasn’t always smooth sailing, I kept pushing. Even when my first 10k/mo biz came crashing down because my wife found out what I had done behind her back… Even after quitting cold turkey to spend 8 months in marriage counceling working on me and my relationships with my wife and God… Even after all that… I’m standing here 4 years later, FREE from the shackles of a traditional 9-5 job… So here’s the steps to take so you can skip all the headaches: 1- invested in a beginners digital marketing course that taught me the ins and outs of digital marketing and how to make money online. 2- Set up automated systems to drive traffic, nurture my followers and sell for me so im not glued to my phone! 3- I got really clear on how I wanted to help people & created 5-7 second reels on social media to drive traffic to my business. 4- Prioritized serving my community and connected with them in my DMS and stories. 🚀I did my first 6-figures in only 8 months… then went on to earn well over 7 figures the last 4 years… But more important than the money… it’s given my my time back with my girls! (all 7 of them - 3 daughters, my wife, a mini pig, and 2 dogs 😅) I know being broke can make it difficult to invest in yourself to learn these skills… But I also know this: if you keep doing the same thing you’ve always done, you’ll continue getting the exact same result. When you start believing in yourself and you step out of your comfort zone, your life will begin to change for the better! ‼️ Comment “READY” and I’ll send over the info so YOU can start learning & start making money online too!

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Have you been thinking about starting digital marketing too? Maybe you’re scared that you will fail or how you can possibly do this with no followers, so that’s holding you back? I started this journey with no experience, zero followers on social media and completely burnt out from my corporate job to the extent I couldn’t get out of bed. My goal was to stop missing out on those precious moments with my babies and have more time and financial flexibility. Fast forward a few short months and I have everything I ever dreamed of and more 🥹🙏🏼 ALL because I decided one day that this is the day I am going to start working towards the life that I want on my own terms. It’s the best decision I’ve made for me and my family and I’ve made it my mission to help other mamas get this too. There really is a way to be fully present for your family AND provide for your family just working a couple of hours a day! And YOU can do this too! The ONLY difference between you and me, is that I started and you haven’t. Make TODAY the day YOU start your journey toward the life you dream of! If you want to learn how to start selling highly profitable digital products, comment the word “GUIDE” and I’ll send you the link to grab my free passive income guide so you can hit the ground running today 🫶 Follow @revenuewithmarie to learn more about starting a digital marketing business and creating passive income from home with done for you digital products! Disclaimer: These are my personal results. Results vary based on the individual, and results are not guaranteed #passiveincome #digitalmarketingforbeginners #passiveincomeonline #passiveincomeideas #digitalproducts #passiveincomelifestyle #digitalproducts #sidehustlesuccess #networkmarketingtips #digitalproductsforbeginners #sidehustleideas #quityour9to5 #sidehustle2023 #passiveincome #sidehustle2023 #howtoselldigitalproducts

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