🍊🥕🍎🍋 My go-to beet juice recipe - beets, lemon, ginger, carrot + apple

I also add in a scoop of @lookorganics Jerusalem Artichoke Inulin to each shot to add more fiber, slow the glucose spike + support gut health

I love my @namawell juicer — I have the J1 version.

You can use code CAROLINE, CC20, or CC80 for $$ off (different codes work better for different products).

#beetjuice #juice #recipe
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2024-03-09 16:06:36

one of the best things you can do
to support and promote a healthy liver
is to drink fresh squeezed beet juice
over an extended period of time
one ounce of beet juice every week
increasing by one ounce until you have four ounces a day beet juice
the genesis of new liver zones you can surgically remove
a seventy something percent of your liver it'll grow back