When you realize that money is simply energy - and the paper you see is the physical counterpart, or the number in the bank account is it’s digital counterpart, you’ll begin to realize to attract money, you need to get on the money frequency. Getting on the money frequency will not only attract money to you, but it will cause you to take new actions which will lead to an increase in your income. Do this affirmation every morning and every night, and you will witness money starting to flow into your life with ease. To start reprogramming your subconscious mind in the most effortless way, download our app (find it in our bio). #affirmations #affirmation #subconsciousmind #thoughtsbecomethings #mindpower #lawofassumption #lawofattraction #manifestation #manifesting #manifestyourlife #manifestyourdreams
Say this 3 times every single night for at least 30 days to attract your soulmate! You can also listen to love affirmations on repeat by downloading our app (click the link in our bio) 🫶 #attractlove #manifestation #affirmations #affirmation #loa #manifestyourlife #soulmate #lovequotes
Start your year the right way by repeating these 3 powerful affirmations ✨ If you want to make this process effortless, click the link in our bio to try our powerful affirmation app 🫶 #lawofattraction #lawofassumption #manifestation #manifesting #affirmation #loa
The secret of life is joy, inner peace. What you say to yourself and feel about yourself creates everything in your life! Speaker: Dr. Joseph Murphy #lawofattraction #manifestation #manifesting #subconsciousmind #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourlife #affirmationoftheday #dailyaffirmations #affirmation