↓ Here’s the step-by-step plan No, this is not some kind of “get rich quick scheme” in which you can work 1 hour a day, have no skills and start making money. Yes, it does require effort. And yes, it works, because this is exactly what we did to get to our first 10k starting from zero. Step 1: LEARN A HIGH VALUE SKILL Youtube is your best friend. Start spending your free time learning a high value skill on the platform! Focus on skills that you can use to help others make more money, for example: - Sales - Copywriting - Content Creation Step 2: GET PROOF OF CONCEPT Get out there in the real word and test out the skill you learned. Get proof that you’re actually good at it. If needed work for free to get the experience you need and prove that you can actually get results with your skill. Step 3: BUILD YOUR PERSONAL BRAND When you’re just starting out, your best bet is to find a way to get clients without having to spend money. This is where your personal brand will play a key role. Doesn’t matter what you want to sell, from low ticket products to high ticket services and anything in between: building a personal brand is the best way to reach new customers in 2024, period. Look at all the big players. Iman Ghadzi, Alex Hormozi, Codie Sanchez and many more. They understand the bigger picture. That’s why even if they are already making millions, they are willing to invest so much time and effort into building a personal brand. They know that it is by far the best investment that you can make. Step 4: START GETTING CLIENTS ON AUTOPILOT Now the part that most people f**k up. You need a strategy to grow your personal brand. Possibly one that has been proven to work. We grew our own page from 0 to 100k followers IN LESS THAN 2 MONTHS, because the skill we trained for years was precisely content creation. We found the exact formula to build up a personal brand and this allowed us to go from zero to having a full income stream just from social media. If you want to save yourself the headache of having to figure out your own strategy from zero, just comment “GUIDE” to check out our full guide on how to grow your personal brand on social media!

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