
7 Strategies to Skyrocket your Restaurant’s Revenue 🚀 1.) Have a Free High Speed Wifi & 2.) Have a charging socket for each table These 2 things increase the time duration that people spend at your Restaurant and thus they’ll order more increasing your income. 3.) Train your Staff Your Staff can ask questions like “Are you a Vegetarian”? “Do you like sour or spicy?” and 1 or 2 more questions and accordingly recommend them some dishes. If your staff does this and about 1500 tables are occupied in a month. If people start ordering the recommended dishes whose average order value is Rs. 400. The Extra Revenue of 1500 tables * Rs. 400 = 6 Lakhs is assured. 4.) Give them discount coupons The next time they come and show the coupon in physical or a digital picture of the same at your Restaurant, give them a discount. This will ensure that they will come regularly to you. 5.) Mention Calorie Count in the Menu People are conscious about Calories these days, writing Calories on the Menu will help them make better healthy choices thus they’ll come back to you repeatedly. 6.) Complimentary dishes If someone bills for a certain amount, give them a chocolate, sweet, dessert or some dish complimentary, they’ll feel good and appreciated. 7.) Consumer Delight If you see someone celebrating their birthday, make it special for them by writing Happy Birthday on a plate or giving them a Beautiful Greeting. If you see kids in a group, give them a Toy. People are likely to post picture of these on Social Media giving you more Visibility & that too for Free 👍🏻 Follow these Strategies & see your Business Grow. Please follow @raool27 for more such amazing content. Thank you so much. Love❤️ & respect✊ Rahul Bhatnagar #business #businessgrowth #businesscoach #smallbusiness #smallbusinessowner #businessstrategy #rahulbhatnagar

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Got some news🤭🚨👇181 days left to make 10k EUR a month. This was week 8! Milestones: *️⃣ !!!We started a paid collaboration with @getnofilter !!! (a very cool travel app showing the best photospots througout the world) SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS❤️ *️⃣ We reached 50k followers on Instagram after starting this journey 3-4 years ago. What a journey it’s been (thank you loves for being here, you have no idea how much we appreciate you🫶) *️⃣ We said no to barter exchanges and brand deals in exchange for an affiliate link. We call this a milestone because we stood up for the value of our work (and every other hard working content creator out there)🔥 *️⃣ We sent out another 15 paid collaboration proposals to some of our favorite brands and hotels🤞 *️⃣ We spent two days reflecting on the past year and setting goals for (especially the first half of) 2024 Challenges: *️⃣ We parted ways with the virtual assistent we hired in week 2 of this challenge :( *️⃣ Consistency on Instagram has been impossible to keep up 🙈 *️⃣ The goal was to work on writing the course we are building but I didn’t even get to writing ONE WORD this week😳 Money made: *️⃣362 EUR (=400 USD) Upcoming Launches: *️⃣Website 2.0 *️⃣(Aspiring) Digital Nomad community *️⃣Remote work course Location: *️⃣Budapest, Hungary A question to you: *️⃣Pineapple on pizza…. I don’t even dare to ask it but… yes or no? FOLLOW for the unfiltered journey of quitting our jobs and creating our dream life #ReadyToQuit #digitalnomadlifestyle #travelandwork #fulltimetravel #workfromanywhere #dreamlife #financialfreedom #travellifestyle #smallbusiness #youngentrepreneur #aspiringdigitalnomad #remoteworker

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