Are you ready to BECOME the person you were destined to be?

Do you feel like your stuck & can’t get to the next level in life?

Have you accomplished you goals and now you are on cruise control & in your comfort zone?

My Becoming Challenge is a free 30 day challenge that will help you develop a road map for how you are going to take your personal & professional life from Good to GREAT💥💥
This is NOT a News Years resolution🚫 This is challenge is an intense 30 day challenge that will help you develop the skill set & road map you need to properly plan out the next phase of your life✅💯
Challenge starts Jan 15th to Feb 15th. Comment “challenge” to get on the waiting list (DM me if your page is private)
☎️ 817-883-4844
📧 [email protected]

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Avatar of joihunt_esq


2024-04-13 15:23:00

hi i'm joey and i want to welcome you to join my thirty-day becoming champions
are you who you are destined to be
maybe we're stuck
and we've gone from south nazareth experience we've had some losses
and maybe because he's given up
or mainly because all the goals are low lives and now we're in our comfort zone
and we really have are going to our rates
i'll want you to join my becoming challenge today
you know what we're going to do over thirty days we're going to develop a roadmap
that you retake two thousand and twenty forward in making your best year spiritually
and most important findings here
i have some workbooks and you will want wanting it to help you map out everything
and we're gonna really
dig deep into who you really are distant to me
before life came before tragedy came
before you lost that business before you got that divorce before you got laid off from that job
who are you really destined to me and how do you get from going to be good
to great
see in the challenge