avoid these three drinks because they can increase your risk of alzheimer's disease drink number three a lot of healthy people drink but it's really not good for their brain if you're new to my channel hi my name is robert love i'm a neuroscientist i specialize in helping people prevent all timers disease with science drink everyone people think this is a healthy substitution but it's really really bad it is diet soda wise diet soda so bapu so most diet soda is sweet and something called aspartame aspartame is not good for your gut bacteria and ascertain is associated with
a lot of negative side effects including cancer in
animals why is this so bad for your brain well the research shows that consuming aspartame specifically diet soda is associated with an increased risk of type two diabetes and type two diabetes is very harmful for the brain you've probably heard all times disease called type three diabetes so anything that increases your risk of diabetes increases the risk of alzheimer's disease and diet soda can definitely do that
number to this when there's been a lot of debate about this it is alcohol why is alcohol bad for your brain and houses increase the risk of alzheimer's disease number one is bad for your gut bacteria was bad for your gut bacteria is bad for your brain number two is
harmful to deliver that's not good for your brain number three it reduces activity in the pre-frontal cortex which is kind of your
self-monitoring so you know when you say alcohol loosens my tongue it actually does by turning off part of your brain that sensors yourself it's not a good idea to regularly turn off part of your brain if you want to reduce the risk of alzheimer's disease and the biggest threat of alcohol to the brain is
is sleep alcohol