Working hard in your business, just makes you earn income...Investing in yourself makes you better and produce more output...because you personally increase in value with more opportunities to be productive to make your greater. #investinyourself,#personaldevelopment,#instincts,#knowledge,#reading,#leaders,#mentality,#education,#selfhelp,#improvement,#knowledgeispower,#productivity,#job,#income,#millionaire,#advice,#personality
A lot of companies think that every business thrives on how many customers are happy and return back for more transactions...the actual objective is that the Employer should focus on the happiness of the Employees so as to bring out their best to work harder, joyfully without resentment. This further promotes business output and productivity.#employee ,#workethics ,#business ,#businessowner,#productivity,#employer ,#businesstips ,#entrepreneur,#enterprise ,#limitedliability ,#corporations ,#ministry,#government ,#businessstrategy #smallbusiness