Here’s my take on this fun trend. 😉 It took me many years of grad school and trying many different therapists to recognize how important my cultural identity as a Persian-Armenian woman who immigrated to the US as a young girl was to my mental health. I feel honored to get to be the kind of therapist I needed back then. Reminder that you CAN have a therapist that makes you feel seen and understood, and like you don’t need to hide parts of yourself to make it more palatable for them to help you. This is the very reason why I created Roots & Fruits (my group program) devoted to helping the daughters of immigrants understand themselves, break generational patterns, and create the kinds of relationships and lives they want. Want to learn more about healing as a daughter of immigrants? Comment “ROOTS” to learn more about my new group program. #generationaltrauma #intergenerationaltrauma #generationaltraumahealing #healinggenerationaltrauma #breakinggenerationaltrauma #boundaries #mentalhealthmonth #traumainformedcare #vulnerabilityisstrength #breakthecycle #complextrauma #healingfromtrauma #reparenting #innerchildhealing #generationalhealing #intersectionality #intersectional #daughtersofimmigrants #decolonizementalhealth #bipoc #bipocmentalhealth #representationmatters #diversitymatters #womenofcolor #forwomenofcolor #immigrantparents #middleeastern
It takes one to know one. ❤️ I had internalized so much stigma around feeling my uncomfortable emotions. The way I grew up did not prepare me for taking care of my mental health as a multicultural being - straddling multiple cultural worlds at once. It didn’t prepare me for the multilayered and complex world of relationships. I now believe that feelings are powerful messengers full of vital information. They can help us navigate our lives with more authenticity, joy, and peace. They can lead us to where we have unfinished work. This path has lead me to my life’s calling which is to help as many fellow daughters of immigrants take an active step toward living the life that speaks to them by seeking the support of a professional who has BEEN there. Comment ‘RESOURCES’ if you’d like to learn more about the offerings I have designed with you in mind - from free book clubs to group programs! #generationaltrauma #generationaltraumahealing #healinggenerationaltrauma #breakinggenerationaltrauma #boundaries #mentalhealthmonth #traumainformedcare #vulnerabilityisstrength #breakthecycle #complextrauma #healingfromtrauma #reparenting #innerchildhealing #generationalhealing #intersectionality #intersectional #daughtersofimmigrants #decolonizementalhealth #bipoc #bipocmentalhealth #representationmatters #diversitymatters #womenofcolor #forwomenofcolor #immigrantparents #middleeastern #eldestdaughter #oldestdaughter