🥳 You make so much more progress than you notice! That's because progress happens in moments, not milestones. 📌This strategy is so powerful for creating more self-love and awareness, especially for parents! When you make this a habit, you: 💪Have a reminder to do the work every week using positive reinforcement instead of negative. 🧐You notice little wins that make a huge impact in keeping you motivated. 🥰You create a ritual of compassion and connection that you re-live at the end and start a new year. 📌This is how you create a mindset of resilience and growth. We hope that you start this new yearly ritual. ❤️ Credit: @jayshetty #newyearresolution #ritual #positiveparenting #parentinggoals #parentingwin #momlife #parentcoach #parentgoals #dadlove #family