
Here is the secret 👇 Before you can embody the future version of you that’s in your vision The one who moves gracefully and abundantly through life, chin held high, confidence so expansive the whole room turns to look when you walk in…and you smile. You’re so relaxed in your own energy that the most poetic words drop into your consciousness in every Instagram post, client call, and class you teach! 💥Every day is *Ka-Ching you aren’t even surprised it’s only 12pm a third payment comes through from a dream client you magnetized with your last post that went viral. They Dm you “it’s like you know exactly what I need! I can’t wait to work with you” 🙏THIS is who is waiting to slide into your reality! This IS you. So how do you meet her? How do you let her in? 👉you have to make peace with the version of you that exists right now. You have to love her. You have to let go of the identities she wants to cling to that aren’t serving where she’s going, even if it’s familiar and safe. 👉 you have to take the risk to move the energy that wants to scream that you’re not good enough - let it be replaced with - “if not you….then who?” 🦋In my freedom embodiment method - this is what we do! Bring the WHOLE you online so the life of abundance, flow, ease, and making huge impact on other’s lives can be reality! 1️⃣ The first step is self inquiry - we have to know where we are in order to know where we are going! ✅comment ALCHEMY and I’ll Dm my 20 insanely transformative journal prompts to guide you inward especially as we embark on the winter season today! And if you want to join me IRL to experience the freedom embodiment method - ✅comment RETREAT 👇 and I’ll send you the juicy details of my upcoming 2024 retreat in Dominican Republic!! There are only 6 spots left and 4 days to get the payment plan, early discount, and bonuses! Including a 1:1 with me! Ahhh I’m so excited for you. Your soul is limitless, now is the time to let it shine!! #manifestation #freedom #embodiment #meditation #alchemy #womeninbusiness

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HOW TO CREATE A WEALTH MINDSET👇💸 💰1. Understand that money is just ENERGY. You can either attract it or repel it based on the energy you are sending out. How you think & FEEL about money will determine how much you are able to create in your life. Begin to see money in a POSITIVE way & remove any negative beliefs you hold around money (ex: money is greedy, money is hard to make, I never have enough). 💰2. Start to see money as ABUNDANT. Many of us have been programmed to see money as limited. We believe that there’s never enough to go around. But ACTUALLY… Money is incredibly abundant, money is ALL around us, we just need to TUNE into it. All the physical things in our reality (cars, homes, the phone you’re reading this on) ARE MONEY. So really, we are always surrounded by money. 💰3. STOP saying you’re “spending money.” Spending money implies that once you’ve made a purchase, the money is gone, it’s lost. This then shifts you into a LACK mindset. Instead, say you are “circulating money.” This implies that the money is coming BACK TO YOU!! Recognize that whenever you spend money, there is always more coming back to you. Money is meant to flow, it is an exchange of energy, of value. It is NOT something that should feel limited. If you want to align to the energy of money, grab my rich b*tch bundle. It contains a guided meditation, subliminal audio & subliminal money wallpapers to help you align to money & reprogram your subconscious for money! 💸 #moneymanifestation #affirmations #manifestation #loa

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