To deal with repeated thought patterns, write them down, notice how often you think of them, and identify the trigger points. Then use the positive affirmations at that point. So whenever you feel negative emotions, you replace them with positive affirmations and overwrite them many times until it creates a new brain pattern which creates new beliefs in your brain. Speaker: @drtaraswart Via: @knowthyself podcast with @andreduqum #lawofvibration #raiseyourfrequency #raiseyourvibration #higherfrequency #manifestation #manifesting #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourlife #higherconsciousness #thoughtsbecomethings #gratitude #grateful #affirmations #manifestation #manifestingdreams #manifestingabundance #manifestingmindset #manifestyourdreams #manifestyourlife #lawofattraction #lawofassumption #mindpower #thoughtsbecomethings #drtaraswart