I forgot who I was for a few years. I had zero goals. I was on autopilot. Just trying to make it to bedtime. That sucks typing out, but it’s true. Motherhood is amazing, but I think most of us go all in and forget there should be balance. We’re taught to be selfless. But girl, you can’t pour from an empty cup 🫶🏽. Taking time for myself saved me. Muscles are cool. But I go for my mental health. If you’re in that place, I get it. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary & you’re worth it. #musclemommy #momswholift #fitmom #fitmomlife #selfcare #gymgirl #fitnesstruth #fitlife #fitnessjourney #mentalhealth #mentalhealthmatters #depression #postpartum #selfcare #fyp
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2024-04-28 14:54:51

and i just got to see almost
watching you kiss