❤️‍🩹1.Fail Fast: Make more mistakes quicker and learn quicker.

🙇2.Work hard at what comes easy: What is that one thing that feels easy to you and hard to others?

❌3.Say NO: Not saying “Yes” when you don’t want to say “Yes” gives you the clarity about what you like what you don’t like and who you are.

😍4.Dress for your body shape: The same outfit that looks good on someone else may not look as good on yourself. Dressing to enhance your favourite physical features develops your personal style.

🤝5.Practise Extroversion: Extroverted people are clinically higher in enthusiasm and positive emotion. If you are an introvert, practise being social and developing meaningful connections.

😎6.Face your fears: The confidence you want is in the work you are avoiding!

❤️‍🔥7.Pick a passion project: Be obsessed and indulged in working on a project that doesn’t involve the aim of making money.

👕8.Wear ironed clothes: The straight lines In Crisp, ironed clothes is an indication to yourself of an innate dignity.

#overcomeselfdoubt #confidencehacks #lifecoaching #personaldevelopment
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2024-02-21 17:10:43

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think about it