Why carb loading is dumb. Also, my husband is type one diabetic if you’re wondering where my deep understanding of bloodsugar comes from.
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2024-05-08 16:29:22

yeah gotta have carbs no it's bullshit you can't balance your blood sugar any carbs carbohydrates are not essential proteins and fats are essential and protein breakdown to glucose but meat breaks down a little slower than glucose so a lot of these trainers in these fitness people will say oh i got a car load i got to do all this stuff because they want hurry up and get their ass to the bluelight gym and work out and what happens is they just end up creating terrible blood sugar issues because they're not letting their body process their food in the time that they should let it process your red blood cells your brain your inner medulla of your kidneys and for men testicles needs glucose you absolutely require glucose but all meat breaks down to glucose and you will soon figure this out and if you've had a continuous glucose monitor
and you've been carnivore you've eaten meat you will understand if my husband eats a rib-eye his blood sugar will go up to three hundred and it will lock in for the entire day and it's because it's so high in protein and fat you don't need to eat sweet potatoes and kois to keep your body healthy