Yes, I worked in hazardous environments for YEARS - but I still had LESS EXPOSURE to toxins back then compared to the exposure you and I receive every day!

From the food we eat to the water we drink, to the air we breathe…it’s all worse than what I got exposed to every day in hazardous mines and other environmental cleanups!

That says so much about the current state of toxins we blindly experience in just living a “normal” life…

And the deeper down the rabbit hole you go...the more you realize how hidden these toxins are.

In the end, it takes massive awareness and courage for those of us wanting to live a non-toxic life.

#cleanliving #nontoxicproducts #nontoxicliving #healthyliving #holistichealth
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2024-04-29 09:08:29

oh my goodness i was safer on a mindsight not wearing a mask than the food that we're eating today if i was watching this i'd be like oh warren was cleaning up hazardous waste his mom had you know fourteen amalgam filling these weak genetics you know that's not me i'm robust my mom had no malcolm filling she lived to one hundred and twenty right but the reality is the amount of exposure that i got on the job is far less than we're getting in our homes
that were getting in our water that we're getting in these medications and all these other things that are polluting this there's no regulation for organic food not to have heavy metals in it it's a real it's a rabbit hole man