Sync your diet with your zip code. Your genes will thank you
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2024-04-17 20:19:20

the nutrients we get out of our food is the best supplement you could take as long as they are in harmony with your environment my eggs were eaten bugs and wisconsin der like i don't buy eggs from wherever they're eaten bugs in wisconsin might beef was eating the herbs in the grass in wisconsin because i live in wisconsin if i lived in washington still i'd be eating the beef that was eating the grass and the herbs there so as much as you can sync up to your light environment to where you're at in nature that is going to help with that positive expression of your genes eat the things that the people eight generations before you ten generations before you would have been eating where your act and those are like the luxury items right like if you can go get the fresh fish that are caught in the ocean from where you live if you can get the delicacies those are the things that will help your dna better than any frickin method fully supplement i can give you