The Schumann Resonance: Why are we overcomplicating something that could be fixed by simply removing your shoes?
Avatar of theprimalbod


2024-04-17 13:03:05

the schumann resonances are healing frequency so my nephew was two and a half at the time and my sister called and she said i can't come over this morning jack hurt his leg
i said what do you do and she goes i don't know but last night we got home and he's just limping on it and he won't put any weight on it
and she goes i think i'm gonna take into the air and i go what bring him over here right now so she brought him over he had these big clunky shoes on with souls like this thick and i took the shoes off and i took them out in the yard and literally i sat him down and he stood up and took off running and she looked at me and i'm like it's that simple why do we make things so complicated she would took him to the e r they would had all kinds of tests run on him or they would send her home and said give him tylenol