i'm a software engineer and obama's rainmaker makers software engineer
three hundred and fifty thousand
and how many is experienced you have
a boat for now
and how did you get started how did you get started making so much money yes so i went to school for computer science so when university of illinois and then i got an internship here first and then i converted that to a full time job i'm a software engineer and obama made you make as a software engineer per year i make one hundred and eighty eight thousand dollars and how many is experienced you have ah it's gonna be a year in september beginning of september and did you go to cause if so where what was your degree in yeah i went to duke university and my degree was in computer science moving
software engineer and obama sweetie makers software engineer about one hundred and ninety thousand and how many years experience you have
i just started but i have about two internships so by like five months i'm a software engineer and how much i do make periods of software engineer
i make about one thirty a year and how many years experience you have as a software engineer
i have about three years of experience not a software engineer and the bahamas joined you make careers as software engineer yeah ah two hundred and twenty thousand
and how many years experience you have