if someone's got a overactive thyroid gland students what would you put on the thyroid gland to slow it down ice that's a simple listener and so simple but one thing that really can help the thyroid gland to control or balance out is high intensity exercise high intensity exercise wakes up that thyroid gland often thyroid glands whether it be under or over active are iodine deficient and you can do a very simple iodine test you can get iodine from the chemist and you're painted say on the inside of your arm and you'll get a brown smudge and then you just observe how long it's therefore if that iodine disappears within an hour you've got low iodine will how do you get your iodine up you just put it on every day until it stays there should be there for about five hours that's a very simple one isn't it and your thyroid is main food is iodine and earlier in the week actually was yesterday last night i said that mercury gobbles up your selenium and your thyroid gland needs selenium to convert iodine in the thyroxine