Here is how to say “I can’t get any f*cking work done because there are too many meetings” at work in corporate 🥶 #corporate #corporatehumor #corporatelife #corporatespeak #work #relatable #9to5 #2024
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2024-04-15 11:20:42

this is how you tell your manager i can't get any fucking work done because there's too many meetings but
in corporate and i guarantee it's gonna work because i've a ph d in corporate bullshit
introspection i want to have a conversation on how we could better operationalize our workflow as the current process has some areas of opportunity as of now the amount of time that we're dedicating towards meetings are outpacing the actual time that we can execute
sure i'm always happy to share feedback one of the things that's become quite concerning is meetings as of late seem to have lack of direction and prioritization and i'd love for us to get to a point where there's extreme clarity and what the purpose of the meetings are moving forward