humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of god and he will exalt you in due season
casting all your care upon him for he cares for you don't forget that
be sober
be vigilant
knowing that your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he can devour
be sober
how do we be sober
well obviously we must not drink alcohol
we must not be under the influence of drugs
our mind must be clear be sober
be vigilant
did you know that you can get drunk by overeating
did you know that your brain
does not function properly if you're dehydrate
we should be drinking water all through the day little by little by little
take water in the way god sends the rain little by little by little
you will not be sober if you've had late nights
you will not be so bad if you like exercise
you will not be sober
if your windows aren't open one your sleep you will not be so bad
if you went to bed like
you will not be sober if your bedroom is surrounded with technology if there's
a mobile phone under your pillow you will not be safe
and will not be sober and that morning line
he can take down
one of the boxes we so about
do everything
do your part do everything you can to keep that mind for the up