I asked a Wall Street millionaire the number one thing that made him stand out working in finance and the biggest thing that separates the middle class from those who build long term wealth. #wealth #finance #motivation #financialfreedom #career
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2024-04-08 15:22:54

what has been the most amount of money that you've ever made a single year better yet and one month most i've made in one month was what eighty grand thirty grand yeah one month yeah it was my best month in wall street is a beast to savage beasts this business savage look to your left look right a guy that they all want to go be gone a couple of months they're gonna be gone finance it's very competitive how did you stand out discipline most people can't say no to themselves they got to have that drink they gotta have that party they got to have that girlfriend they gotta have that sex and all that right there attributes to poverty because it drains you of all your resources your number one resources your energy that's it number one resources your energy and it's a natural commodity if you're profitable with that you're wasteful with debt then you can't accumulate anything have you ever been broke before oh absolutely many doves how old were you when you become a millionaire i would say in my forties when it comes to the way that people look at money what would you say is the number one thing that separates the middle class from those who end up building that well spending habits it's like people hate money right they gotta get rid of it i gotta go bye gotta go i gotta keep up with the joneses money's frequency and you have to get on the money frequency like radio stations tv stations if you want to watch cnbc right you gotta choose to that channel you can't go to abc to pick up frequency from cnbc right so the content of that channel you have to tune to money as a station no difference you have to tune into the consciousness of money when you tool to the concepts of money then you get fed all the information necessary for you to accumulate well then you become magnetised you become a money magnet and you no longer have to chase it so we're taught to chase one that's the worst thing teach somebody you don't chase money you become magnetised moneywise and money chases you you never chase money just like woman you never chase anything