dark psychology tricks
if you want to know if someone is looking at you just yawn and they will yawn back
if you want someone to kiss you
look at their eyes and then at their lips
if you want someone to stop yelling at you say are you having a bad day
if you want to level up in life comment level up
and i will reach out to you
if you want to make someone feel nervous just look at their forehead
if you think someone is lying
look them in the eyes and say nothing
saying someone's name in a sentence makes them attracted to you
wearing red makes you look ten x more attractive
cheaters always think everybody cheats and liars think everybody lies
being confident or faking confidence will change your life
when someone is making funny of you laugh at them
they'll be embarrassed
the person you first look at when you enter a room
is the person you feel most threatened by
people see you as twenty percent more attractive than you think
liking and following me will make you more wise every day