Casey Neistat on YouTube earnings 🤑.Learn step by step process in starting a YouTube channel by an industry expert #youtubecourse #learnwithme #onlinelearning #skillbuilding #digitaleducation
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2024-03-29 16:13:07

but i did one hundred million views before i turned on monetization
so i remember i turned it on
and i remember like the first month it was like six brand i was like
oh my god
that covers read like shit we've got dinner al dente it yeah
and then like the next month it was like
sixteen grand
and i was like wait a minute i was like sixteen hundred
and twelve holy shit and then the next month it was like sixty grand
and that's an i was like
and then like it just didn't stop and then it's like you know you're it's six figures the brand start calling just how much you talk about are rarely return
they weren't paying me for my creativity they're paying for leach