You're getting your nutrients from your meat, not your plants.
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2024-03-23 19:53:41

you're out of your mind if you think you're getting vitamins out of these plant products you're not you're getting them out of your meat most of you don't realize how much nutrition is an animal products you just think that it's protein and it's not it is so much more remember how i talked about the metal foods and how they influence our dna those metal foods are coli foliate these methyl groups help promote good dna replication eighty nine percent of your full late
is an egg yolk but they have to be pasture-raised eggs because pasture-raised eggs eat insects they don't eat corn and grains and things that chicken should meet which provide them with all that nutrients they need to have a healthy yoke so you can see here vitamin a seventy percent in egg yolk you can't get that out of a freaking carrot you guys i'm sorry but you can't