Here's what my old packaging looks like. 😂 not sure if my ex part-timers got PTSD from crafting hundreds of boxes a week.
My dad came up with this concept box 13 years ago when I was baking from home. He had such a good laugh at me back then when I made many cakes but had no box to contain it. He couldn't take it anymore and crafted this out of 2 simple cakeboxes. I can't even count the number of times he will shake his head, laugh, and say '你这个人啊’ hahahahahaha 🤣 
#homebakerlasttime #smallbusiness #fatherknowsbest #cakedecorator #cakesg #cakebox #craft
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2024-03-22 08:22:25

two three four two
doo doo doo doo doo
doo ah good
kid away don't know
just say i'll say it anyway
ah ha