Our brains are programmed for comfort and immediate gratification, but this approach rarely yields sustainable success. When you’re considering making a positive change in your life, it’s crucial to accept that things will almost always get worse before they get better. If you can push through this initial difficulty and fear — “doing hard things” and making positive changes will become increasingly easier. Everything you want is on the other side of “worse first.”

#growth #personaldevelopment #dohardthings #change
Avatar of grahamcweaver


2024-03-22 17:07:47

is do hard things we have this thought that
life is supposed to be easy and that comfort is where we're gonna gain happiness you can have a life of ease and and and that will give you a quickie to dopamine but make no mistake that is not the path it is exactly the opposite this chart right here shows our lives and this is what happens we get kind of complacent you know or we are we get we get comfortable and if we want to move forward and gets the next peak the magic of is to understand that your life will is almost always going to get worse first if you want to change careers and you want to learn something new you're going to go down the learning curve your salary is probably going to go down you're gonna not be good at your job you want to start a new habit you want to take a cold shower you want meditate you want to start
exercising it's going to get worse first and you're going to follow this pattern
but you need to realize that the thing that's keeping you there is the first move is always going to be
worse eventually what's going to happen is these downward curves are going to get a lot shallower because you know what the biggest part of that curve is
it's just fear
so the more you put yourself in situations where you do hard things
the shallower and shallower those divots are gonna get because because you're going to remove that fear everything that you want in this life is on the other side of worse first