Have you dared to declare what you really want?

When I wrote out my dreams years ago, I didn’t FULLY believe I could create them. But I believed enough to write them down as if they happened.

I dared to dream.
I dared to write them down.
I dared to say them out loud.
I dared to take action steps each day.
I dare you to declare what you are creating in 2024 below 👇👇👇👇

#manifesting2024 #bestyearblueprint #manifest #loa #lawofaction #creationprocess #celebritiesmanifesting #kendalljenner #ladygaga #beyonce
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2024-03-16 10:16:23

my goal in life is to become a big time model i really hope it happens smiley face i'm fourteen years old just thought i would say that elo i get paid over fifteen thousand dollars per speaking gig
at this point time i was speaking at all i have a bestselling book
is very strange but all of my really great performances i saw them happen before they they had everything that i just read is my actual life you sang a line
over and over and over again and the one day
the lies