The Power of Chat Gpt and all A.I. will this change the future of mankind ? Credit:introspection.daily #ai #powermind #financialliteracy
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2024-03-17 01:01:57

chad p t today has an i q of one fifty five
okay einstein is one sixth were matching einstein
with a machine that i will tell you openly ai experts are saying this is just
the very very very top of the tip of the iceberg
you know jpg four is ten x smarter than three point five just
and without many many changes now
that basically means gpp five could be within a few months okay
gpp general but transformers in general
ah if if they continue at that pace
ah if it's ten x than
an icu of sixteen hundred
just imagine the difference between the icu of the
dumbest person on the planet in the seventy s
and the icu of einstein
when einstein attempts to eat to explain relativity
the typical response to have no idea what you're talking about right
if something is ten x einstein
we would have no idea what it's talking about