Set-up complete on my 4th subleasing apartment in Dubai ✅

I am paying 155.000 Dirhams in 4 cheques. That comes out to just about 3.500$ per month on average.

In an earlier video I mentioned that other apartments in the building are consistantly getting booked for 1.300 Dirhams per night. My goal is to make 900 dirhams per night on average througout the whole year. That will leave us with about 6.400$ per month in revenue.

Other expenses:
Internet, gas, water, electricity, permits, air conditioning and other additional costs come out to abou 700$ per month.

@kiana_furniture really knocked it out of the park this time. I spent 17.000$ on a full turn-key service and she finished in about 5 days! Send me a DM if you want a discount code with them.

#airbnb #dubai #airbnbarbitrage #rentalarbitrage #dubairealestate
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2024-03-18 11:04:25

today i finished the setup on my fourth apartment that i'm subleasing in dubai
after giving the agents that checks i met with the interior designer and we planned where we're gonna put all the furniture
spent seventeen thousand dollars to fully furnished his apartment and i'm really happy with it
i'm paying three thousand five hundred dollars in rent every month and i plan to make about six thousand five hundred dollars a month in revenue from ebi and polka dot
com on this apartment
this is a two bedroom apartment in business bay which is a little further from downtown dubai than my other apartments
but the reason i picked this tower is because of the crazy amenities on the sixty fourth floor right here