🚨Handling the “gossip”👇

🧠 When someone has been gossiping about us behind our back it is the worst feeling. This can lead us to react and go in all guns blazing, and in doing so lower ourselves to their level.

▶️ Now I totally get that it’s very counterintuitive but stay with me on this one… if we match their energy we almost guarantee they won’t listen and may even talk more about us.

✅ Instead I would recommend reminding yourself of a phrase I love by Michelle Obama “when they go low we go high”. Which means approaching it in the opposite way to how they’re behaving:

1️⃣ Be calm and respectful (we don’t need to disrespect others because they’ve disrespected us- let’s not give them this power)
2️⃣ Share what you know factually, the impact (e.g. “I’ve been upset about it” or “it’s been impacting my mental health”) and ask them where it’s coming from
3️⃣ Don’t react and remain confident in yourself
4️⃣ Avoid making demands or threats instead make requests for example “please can you refrain from talking about me and come to me directly if there’s something on your mind?”

🔥 Human beings are way way more likely to do something we ask when it’s phrased as a request not a demand or threat. If the gossiping persists you can then have a much firmer conversation

📌 Please remember the advice offered in this video is generalised. You know your situation better than anyone else so trust your instincts, if this doesn’t fit your situation ignore it. You’ve got this 💪

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2024-03-07 20:20:00

why are you talking about me behind my back excuse me
i overheard you saying sarah in the kitchen that i stock up to all the managers to get the best clients how dare you spread lies about me
while you are a succop
you're just jealous because i get on with all the managers don't ever speak about me behind my back again is that a threat
time out
when someone talks about us behind our back is very tempting to go in all guns blazing
i wouldn't recommend doing this as at the end of the day you want them to stop gossiping about your
therefore i would recommend approaching this calmly and respectfully
don't match their energy
p s for more tips on handling tricky people and situations at work
you might want to hit follow can i chat to you about something
yeah overheard you talking about me in the kitchen and saying x y and z i've been quite upset about it and wondered where it's coming from well i just think you suck up to the managers and i do get on with the managers yeah i wouldn't call that stocking up but you're entitled to your opinion
can i ask that you refrain from talking about me to people and come to me directly if something's on your mind