The Pavlov effect for studying.

95% of our behaviour is automatic. We work on daily routines and habits.

If we make it a habit or routine to study when we sit ourselves down with the light on, we will train ourselves into this ritual.

I personally still apply this in my work, clean desk, laptop open, notebook ready and timer on 25 minutes (pomodoro techniques) and work on ONE task!

This will both improve your focus, knowledge retention and a ritual to get into studying.

Follow @the_studycoach for more!

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2024-03-11 00:07:27

when you're back to the bed have a blank wall heavier lamp have your books ready to go turn on the lamp
and start studying
the moment you lose your edge fifteen twenty thirty minutes later
turn the lamp off get up and leave the desk
what you're training yourself
to study while seated there
and it becomes increasingly automatic as did the raising of the hand
you sit turn lamp on and you're ready to go like