MY SECRET KEY TO SURVIVING TERRIBLE TIMES! When you are going through a time of tragedy, trauma or grief it feels like it will never end. Every time you start feeling better and just when you allow yourself to feel hopeful the crushing blow of torment, intrusive thoughts, jagged feelings and long, dark days drowns you in despair. With no end in sight, it feels like for every day you feel better you are forced to live through weeks where you feel worse. MY SECRET KEY TO SURVIVAL THAT SAVED MY LIFE IS- Looking at the whole process less linearly. HEALING LIKE NATURE NEVER FOLLOWS A STRAIGHT LINE! I looked at my journey like a spiral staircase or a mighty Douglas Fir tree adding on another ring. As I bravely ventured forward ever now and then I would wander past the same hard passages. It always felt like square one, but it never was. Soon, I realized that even though it looked the same, felt the same and maybe even smelled the same it rarely lasted quite as long or was as intense as it had been the last time. HOLDING ONTO THIS KEY KEPT ME FROM DESPAIR! I can’t promise you this will be a quick process. We heal at the pace of nature. However, I can promise you that you are stronger than you think...ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS KEEP MOVING FORWARD! #griefjourney #outdoors #lifehack #happiness #natureheals #thewildcure #motivation #overcoming #lifehack #advice #inspiration #outdoorwonderland #getoutside #cancersurvivor #mindset #naturelovers #forestbathing #forest