Here’s why I use only organic gardening methods…
🐝 Chemical pesticides harm ALL the bugs, including the beneficial ones like bees and ladybugs. This can harm your garden in the long run.
🪴 Chemical sprays can strip the soil of essential nutrients and disrupt the natural microbial activity, compromising the overall health and fertility of your garden soil.
🪲 Over time, pests can develop resistance to chemical pesticides, leading to the need for stronger, potentially more harmful chemicals. It’s a never-ending cycle that isn’t sustainable for the long-term health of your garden.
☠️ Exposure to chemical pesticides has been linked to various health issues in humans. Do your own research on this one. There’s tons of info online!
Whats your thought on this… Is pesticide a big deal for you? Do you follow organic gardening methods? I’d love to hear your thoughts either way.
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