Got some news🤭🚨👇181 days left to make 10k EUR a month. This was week 8! Milestones: *️⃣ !!!We started a paid collaboration with @getnofilter !!! (a very cool travel app showing the best photospots througout the world) SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS❤️ *️⃣ We reached 50k followers on Instagram after starting this journey 3-4 years ago. What a journey it’s been (thank you loves for being here, you have no idea how much we appreciate you🫶) *️⃣ We said no to barter exchanges and brand deals in exchange for an affiliate link. We call this a milestone because we stood up for the value of our work (and every other hard working content creator out there)🔥 *️⃣ We sent out another 15 paid collaboration proposals to some of our favorite brands and hotels🤞 *️⃣ We spent two days reflecting on the past year and setting goals for (especially the first half of) 2024 Challenges: *️⃣ We parted ways with the virtual assistent we hired in week 2 of this challenge :( *️⃣ Consistency on Instagram has been impossible to keep up 🙈 *️⃣ The goal was to work on writing the course we are building but I didn’t even get to writing ONE WORD this week😳 Money made: *️⃣362 EUR (=400 USD) Upcoming Launches: *️⃣Website 2.0 *️⃣(Aspiring) Digital Nomad community *️⃣Remote work course Location: *️⃣Budapest, Hungary A question to you: *️⃣Pineapple on pizza…. I don’t even dare to ask it but… yes or no? FOLLOW for the unfiltered journey of quitting our jobs and creating our dream life #ReadyToQuit #digitalnomadlifestyle #travelandwork #fulltimetravel #workfromanywhere #dreamlife #financialfreedom #travellifestyle #smallbusiness #youngentrepreneur #aspiringdigitalnomad #remoteworker