Gaslighting vs lying …know the difference
Avatar of dunn_jeffery


2024-04-13 20:39:51

yes fighting is not lying
there's a different okay break everybody thinks you're just talking about lying no we're not because you can bring a liar around
if you bring evidence
so if you said i wasn't there i wasn't there i wasn't there on my gti you were there you were there and then i said jay here's a picture of you there
and you're like you know what romney yeah i didn't tell you the truth cause i didn't want you to know you weren't invited okay
so a liar will cop to it when you give them the evidence oh a gas cider will double down on their deceit
when you catch them and they'll turn it into your crazy so if you are gaslighting me jade you say
wow so girlfriend's paranoid now too you need to get some mental health help because only a paranoid fool would be showing me a picture of where i met so now it's become about me being crazy rather than you lying about being in that place and most people in my position but i'm not crazy i'm not crazy but by now we've moved off the story of you having been at that poem my good