”So I decided there is nothing better than… to find satisfaction in work.”

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭2‬:‭24‬

#joy #joyinwork #workjoyfully #gardening #pnwgarden #growsomethinglovely #organicgardening
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2024-04-09 00:53:13

this is a serious mistake a whole generations of people have done
that if you study how should you study hard
you must study harder
if you work how should you work you must work hard
why didn't they tell you you must study joyfully
wherein they tell you you must work lovingly
no humans do everything hard
and then you complain
you complain about everything in life because you're doing everything hard
there is substantial medical and scientific evidence to show you
only when you're in pleasant states of experience does your body and your brain work at their best