Advice That you must keep in mind..!โšกโšœ๐Ÿ’ฐ
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2024-03-24 16:24:17

do you want to be the first millionaire in your family
here my three best tips to help you achieve
number one
start investing early
and often
and don't listen to the fake gurus
will tell you in twenty to fifty grand to get started that's just bullshit find a way
to say fifty to one hundred dollars a week starting out to
like compounding do the rest remember to
you have to change your mindset
when you get money
rather than thinking about what can i buy
think about how can i invest
in number three and swap out three times sucks
you know what they are
and use that time to learn two new skill sets
if you do this for three to six months you can easily add two more income streams
and you'll be on your way